Random Thoughts

What are you waiting for?

go do itEveryone seems to be waiting for something. What are you waiting for?

There’s always some really GREAT excuse (so they say). But honestly, there’s NO EXCUSE worth risking never realizing your dream. Even if your dream is only a few months away it may not be enough time. Think about it!


About Connie:
I’m in the best shape of my life in my mid-fifties. I’m probably more fit than most 20 year olds. At 52 I tried out for the USA National Canoe and Kayak Olympic team and made the team. I’m a board certified integrative nutrition health coach, have a degree in Sociology and a Masters in Program Management from George Washington University. I also completed personal training from NASM (National Association of Sports Medicine) and received a certification for Spinning instruction. I have worked in hospitals for most of my career and received many accolades as seen on my business site.

I haven’t always been this fit and healthy. When I turned 50 I felt miserable. I was overweight; felt bloated, lacked energy, and just was NOT HAPPY. I searched for help and couldn’t find it. Fortunately I joined a gym and hired a personal trainer who taught me about food and a new way to eat without dieting. At the time I didn’t know she was studying to become a health coach. She literally changed my life and over the course of 2 years I lost 65 inches and felt better than I had my entire life.

Wanting to learn more, I enrolled in the school she attended called The Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I became a board certified integrative nutrition health coach and have never looked back. I left the corporate world in 2015 to pursue my dream to help others get in the best shape of their lives because this feeling is incredible! Get in touch, our first session is FREE!

CLICK HERE for more information on my programs


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