Random Thoughts, Reiki

The Power of Reiki & Music for Healing

Reiki means ” universal life energy”

Reiki means “universal life energy.” We trace back the earliest known Reiki to Japan in the late 1800s and it involves the transfer of energy from a practitioner’s palms to their client.

I find Reiki provides my clients emotional well-being, stress reduction, and mental clarity. It also helps bring about inner peace, harmony and is a valuable tool in the quest for spiritual growth. A lot of my clients have a regular weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly session pre-booked as part of their own personal health maintenance plan.

Now, where does music come in as part of an additional modality while performing Reiki?

Reiki & Music

When I began my energy practice, it was only natural for me to add background music tracks customized for each client during session. You see, music is scientifically proven to help us relax and I believe music can aid in the healing process weather it’s healing for depression, stress, a lost loved one, to open the clients vision to help find spirit guides or even gain perspective on life purpose and direction. It’s AMAZING what the mind can do when the right music is coupled with the Reiki treatment.

It is a proven scientifically that music aides in relaxation. Check out this piece on YouTube named Weightless. This piece has been scientifically proven to slow the heart rate, reduce blood pressure and decrease levels of cortisol – a steroid hormone released in response to stress. The track has been labelled “the most relaxing song in the world”. I think you’ll find it interesting.

I believe that music can actually heal our mind, body and soul. Weather or not you believe this, there’s no denying that music has a powerful ability to shape our environment.

When listening to music, there is an exquisite orchestration of brain regions, involving both the oldest and newest parts of the human bran, and regions as far apart as the cerebellum in the back of the head and the frontal lobes just behind your eyes.”

Daniel J Levitin, Neuroscientist

A recent meta-analysis of 400 studies in the journal Trends in Cognitive Sciences concluded that music can dramatically lower the level of the stress hormone cortisol and reduce anxiety by up to 65 percent! Amazingly, relaxing music can even slow our heartbeat.

How I use music in my Reiki Therapy

My clients almost always have a healing or clarity in direction from their session and say the music & instruments were perfect. Every session is different customized for each client and I spend a lot of time meditating prior to each session asking the universe to assist me in the design for the individual’s needs.

Sometimes it just comes to me. I know exactly what is needed. Other times it doesn’t come right away. But, there’s always something that is shown to me that connects the client to what is needed.

I use many different musical tools in sessions not just soft background music. It all depends on what I’m shown is needed. Sometimes I play my Cherokee Buffalo Drum, or bring my Tingsha Tibetan Bells. I may use my healing Crystal Pyramid or even my Himalayan Singing Bowl I found while traveling in Bhutan. Most sessions I use a mix modality of musical sounds which always includes a background piece of music playing softly throughout the session.

My personal connection with Music

Since a young child music has been an important part of my life. I sang in our church choir and played the piano at many different events. When I became a teenager, I traveled the east coast with my aunt playing gospel music at different venues most weekends.

When it was time for college, the only thing I was interested in was becoming a concert pianist (or maybe some kind of artist as I was always good with my hands and creating). My music teacher guided me towards one of the top 10 colleges in the country to try out for their Piano Performance program led by Veda Zuponcic. I spent my first two years of college with a Yamaha baby grand piano and weekly concerts on Fridays and Veda as my mentor/teacher.

So you see, music runs deep in my soul and veins and I bring the love of the sounds to my healing practice and share with each client what’s needed for them. If you’re interested in one of my custom Reiki sessions, CLICK HERE. If you would like more information, don’t hesitate to contact me at: (714) 794-8345.

About Coach Connie

Connie’s professional background in the health and wellness field coupled with her experience as a Usui Master Reiki Therapist and Oncology Master Reiki Therapist as well as a member of the International Association of Reiki Professionals is uniquely fitting to help guide you in your healing or transformation journey using safe, natural, holistic measures coupled with healing foods for the body. Connie has received many honors and awards for her work at Cedars Sinai, St Joseph Health Systems, and CMS (Center of Medicare/Medicaid Services). She tried out for Team USA Olympic Canoe and Kayak team at the age of 55 and now holds 5 world medals in her sport. You can read more about Connie’s story featured on Amazon’s books bestseller listing called “Take On Aging as a Sport, the athletic approach to aging”. by Sharkie Zartman

Random Thoughts


Here’s to New Beginnings!

welcome autumn - here's to new beginnings

October is a time of refresh, new beginnings and adjustments. It’s the last quarter of the year and a great time to get on track with new goals and dreams.

Just like the trees who shed their leaves this time of year so we too can let loose and release weight we have been carrying that does not serve us any longer. For this reason, I choose the Solar Plexus Chakra as this month’s special focus.

The main purpose of this chakra is to create a center for life. This chakra has the ability to give life as well as create and generate emotional energies. It’s also known to be associated with transformation and purification. When your solar plexus chakra is open, it will directly affect the sense of sight – seeing things as they truly are.

Solar Plexus – Expression of Will – Power & Mental Abilities

Let’s start with the basics of this Chakra and where it’s located. You will find the solar plexus area in the upper part of the belly, where your diaphragm rests. It is the 3rd chakra from the bottom in the traditional system counting 7 chakras.

The Color of this chakra is YELLOW (higher frequencies of this chakra can turn into a beautiful golden yellow – think of the sunset).

The symbol is a circle with 10 petals in which is inscribed a downward-pointing triangle. The inverted triangle represents the fire element and the transformative power of this energy center. The original name of his chakra is Manipura and it is associated with the element of Fire (with a tight connection with the sun, heat, & the energy of light).

Fire turns matter into energy that can be used to propel, move forward.

Common Healing Stones used when working with this chakra include Citrine, tiger’s eye, and yellow tourmaline. I ❣️all of these stones because they all have a tone of yellow which makes them glisten – aluminate. The plant medicine (oils) associated with this chakra include chamomile, bergamot, cedar wood and rosemary. All very popular soothing oils.

What the Solar Plexus is known for?

  • Expression of will
  • Intellectual abilities
  • The “accounting mind” that categorizes everything, assesses the plusses and minuses in life
  • Personal power
  • Ability to establish ideas and plans into reality
  • At high levels, conveys wisdom

The main function of this energy center is to provide actual momentum to move forward and realize personal desires and intentions in the world. It plays a fundamental role in the development of personal power. It feeds one’s direction in life and the actions taken in order to reach your goals. It influences preoccupations about social status and self-image.

I have been studying the chakras and incorporating chakra healing work in my traditional Reiki energy/cleansing therapy. Each of the chakras have specific qualities, all of which exists energy centers within specific parts of the body. Chakras are said to hold the key for better health and well-being. They were discovered by the yogis of ancient India during meditation. I like adding this to my traditional Reiki sessions when my clients express specific areas of healing they feel needed.

Are you in in southern California or visiting soon? Come by and visit me at my sacred salon in Redondo Beach just 1 block form the beautiful magic of the ocean and just south of the LAX airport. Come on by, I would love to see you ❣️CLICK HERE

Connie’s professional background in the health and wellness field coupled with her experience as a Usui Master Reiki Therapist and Oncology Master Reiki Therapist as well as a member of the International Association of Reiki Professionals is uniquely fitting to help guide you in your healing or transformation journey using safe, natural, holistic measures coupled with healing foods for the body. Connie has received many honors and awards for her work at Cedars Sinai, St Joseph Health Systems, and CMS (Center of Medicare/Medicaid Services). She tried out for Team USA Olympic Canoe and Kayak team at the age of 55 and now holds 5 world medals in her sport. You can read more about Connie’s story featured on Amazon’s books bestseller listing called “Take On Aging as a Sport, the athletic approach to aging”. by Sharkie Zartman



Welcome September!

Oh I just love this month as we transition out of the long summer nights into the crispness of the air and the beautiful golden shades of nature with the changing of the leaves. We are coming to a close and finding our balance and harmony and there’s no better time than now to focus on our Root Chakra!

The Root Chakra – Balance and Stability

What is the Root Chakra? It’s the first chakra and is located at the base of your spine. It’s responsible for your basic primal needs, grounding you and connecting you to the rest of the universe.

The root chakra takes care of your basic needs like food, shelter, money, and safety. If you think of it like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, this is the very bottom of the pyramid. In Reiki and with the Root Chakra balancing we focus on grounding.

If your root chakra is out of balance, you may experience some of the following:

  • Bladder problems
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Anemia
  • Issues with the feet
  • Lower back pain
  • Issues with the base of your spine

Emotional imbalances of the root chakra may include things like:

  • Anger
  • Impatience
  • Fear of letting go and moving on
  • Feeling of being stuck
  • Arrogance
  • Greed
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Carving comfort foods (starchy & high carbs)
  • Feeling like you don’t belong
  • Feeling insecure
  • Lacking energy
  • Fear of job instability

For Self Care to help nourish your root chakra practice meditation and go for a Reiki energy balancing session with a focus on grounding.

What Foods should you eat to strengthen your root chakra?

  • Root veggies (sweet potatoes, potato, beets)
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Parsnips
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Turnips
  • Protein (eggs, tofu, nut butters, red kidney beans, red meat, bone broth)
  • Red fruits (strawberries, apples, pomegranates, watermelon)

Balancing your root chakra with aromatherapy:

  • Sandal wood
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger

Here’s some quick root chakra healing tips:

  • Wear red or add red to your environment to remind you of your root chakra
  • Stand: just stand arm’s length apart for a few minutes and envision roots growing from your root chakra down through your legs and into the earth
  • Dance: allow your body to just move and release anything needed
  • Get out into nature: take your shoes off, go barefoot on the ground, walk on the sand at the beach

Are you in in southern California or visiting soon? Come by and visit me at my sacred salon in the south bay just blocks from the beautiful magic of the ocean and a few minutes south of the LAX airport.

❣️If you would like to book a basic Reiki energy session with me? CLICK HERE

Connie’s professional background in the health and wellness field coupled with her experience as a Usui Master Reiki Therapist and Oncology Master Reiki Therapist as well as a member of the International Association of Reiki Professionals is uniquely fitting to help guide you in your healing or transformation journey using safe, natural, holistic measures coupled with healing foods for the body. Connie has received many honors and awards for her work at Cedars Sinai, St Joseph Health Systems, and CMS (Center of Medicare/Medicaid Services). She tried out for Team USA Olympic Canoe and Kayak team at the age of 55 and now holds 5 world medals in her sport. You can read more about Connie’s story featured on Amazon’s books bestseller listing called “Take On Aging as a Sport, the athletic approach to aging”. by Sharkie Zartman 



Your Third Eye Chakra helps you see things as they truly are but even the slightest imbalance can wreak havoc on your psychological, emotional, and physical health.

3rd Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is located at the forehead, slightly above the center of both eyes. It is the sixth of the seven basic chakras, or energy centers in the body. This chakra governs the pineal gland and your vision, intuition, memory, and imagination.

Signs if your Third Eye Chakra is out of balance? If you have an over active chakra, you will find an excess of energy being produced causing your mind to go into overdrive. Think about those mornings you had too many cups of coffee….. get the idea what it feels like? You may find it difficult to concentrate, unable to complete projects, and maybe find yourself jumping from one situation to another in a somewhat chaotic way.

On the other end of the spectrum, an energy deficiency can affect your ability to concentrate, process information, and even remember or retrieve information from memory. An under-active Third Eye chakra can make you indecisive, procrastinate, or become fearful of the unknown. You will find an inability to focus, keep a cool head under pressure, or may even experience problems sleeping.

How to Activate Your Third Eye Chakra? Activation is performed through an awakening and the ability to see things more clearly. Your intuition will heighten, and your thinking will become clearer as well as memory recall. Reiki energy healing can help awaken this chakra. I like incorporating in my sessions the sacred chumpy stones from Peru as well as essential oils like rosemary and sandalwood. I also recommend a list of healing foods to maintain the health of the charka even after a therapy session. Some of the foods I recommend include: Eggplant, Plums, Blueberries, Purple Peppers, Cabbage and Kale.

For a FREE QUICK GUIDE on your Third Eye Chakra CLICK HERE


Connie’s professional background in the health and wellness field coupled with her experience as a Usui Master Reiki Therapist and Oncology Master Reiki Therapist as well as a member of the International Association of Reiki Professionals is uniquely fitting to help guide you in your healing or transformation journey using safe, natural, holistic measures coupled with healing foods for the body. Connie has received many honors and awards for her work at Cedars Sinai, St Joseph Health Systems, and CMS (Center of Medicare/Medicaid Services). She tried out for Team USA Olympic Canoe and Kayak team at the age of 55 and now holds 5 world medals in her sport. You can read more about Connie’s story featured on Amazon’s books bestseller listing called “Take On Aging as a Sport, the athletic approach to aging”. by Sharkie Zartman